you mean mase... Any personal protection or sporting good store. Ive seen them in the Uhaul store even. its not a repellent is more of an eye and nose irritantWhere can I buy some of that dog repellent spray that mailmen carry around?
I would suggest you take the ';high road'; first and speak to the owners of the dogs you are concerned about. If that doesn't work, call the humane society or you complain to your local police dept. It is after all illegal to allow your dog to roam free where it can be a danger to people and itself.
I only say this as a dog owner, though I don't allow my dog to roam, I know lots of people who are of the opinion that ';fido'; wouldn't hurt a fly. If you simply and politely remind them that not all people like dogs even if their dog likes all people, you could easily solve the problem AND keep good relations with your neighbors.
Good luck!
A good really cheap repellant is vinegar it won't hurt you or the dogs. They hate the smell and taste.
I wouldn't attempt to handle them if I were you. Call Animal Control. If possible talk to the owners first, but leave it to the professionals.
Go to the petstore. I used to buy that for my puppie cause she kept chewing on stuff. It dosent taste very good. Or you could talk to your vet.
Call your local humane society and report the dogs. There are laws to prevent this for the good of the dogs and for people.
learn how to protect yourself and be confident around these dogs, pepper spray shouldnt be the answer...educating yourself about dog behavior is a better solution.
What happens if you forget your 'pepper spray' one day??
My mom used to be a mail carrier and the stuff they carry around is just pepper spray.
ask the mailman
its mace or pepper spray.. you can buy it at most pawn shops you used to could buy it at wal-mart but no longer in NC maybe somewhere else though
That would be Mace or Pepper Spray. You can get on line or just find a place near you that carries it. Take care....
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