Friday, January 22, 2010


I've been having problems with savage, rabid, cannabalistic corndogs lately. They rise from the ground and tear my flesh off.WHAT IS THE BEST CORN DOG REPELLENT IN THE WILD?
We solved the rabid corn dog problem in our area. The solution was simple. You just invite all the other kids in your area for a sleep over at your house. After my kids did this a couple of times, you could not find a corn dog, frozen pizza, burrito, potato chip, or can of soda within two blocks! They will devour virtually all fast food within reach, and will even go and ask neighbors for more food when they run out at your house!

Just be sure to keep your hands away from their mouths, as some parents have lost fingers while trying to snatch a chicken nugget from a plate!WHAT IS THE BEST CORN DOG REPELLENT IN THE WILD?
Can you blame them. It is their nature. When you bought that new mustard fragrance, you must have known it would drive wild corn dogs to do things that they would not ordinarily do. As quickly as you can, scrub off the mustard fragrance and quit dressing like a carnival ride. The corn dog attacks should stop immediately.
i heard crushing saltines in peanut butter and rubbing it all over your skin is pretty good.. make sure they are crushed up extremely well.. because when you crush them up it releases a chemical that reacts with the peanut butter and it is released into the air..

this might not work though because some corndogs have become immune to this chemical.

but idk.

my best bet is to just take another hit of acid.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't help overhearing that someone is about to rub saltine peanut butter all over her body. I have a lawn chair in my trunk... let me get that out and I'll stay awhile.
The only real way to keep a corn dog under control is with a small wooden stick!
Culinary Arts Degree.
Carry a couple of nice young female Hush-Puppies and let them go when the C-dogs attack. Them make you get away.
Ketchup. It scares the crap out of them.
The Oven
Richard Simmons ... he will save you from the Corn Dogs.
Run, it's a Corn Dog!
corn dogs what is that
Maybe you should just take it like a man then.
chili you never see a corndog and chili together
Lay off the drugs darling
A Mustard Ball Gun...
I suggest some ketchup.
Can you really blame them?
really? me too!

ketchup, mustard and some hot sauce would be great
I'd send a bunch of fat chicks after them !
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